- Loni, Babak, Lei Yen Cheung, Michael Riegler, Alessandro Bozzon, Luke Gottlieb, and Martha Larson. “Fashion 10000: An Enrichted Social Image Dataset for Fashion and Clothing”. Proceedings of MMSys ’14. ACM, 2014.
- Lux, Mathias, Mario Guggenberger, and Michael Riegler. “PictureSort: gamification of image ranking”. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Gamification for Information Retrieval. ACM, 2014.
- Riegler, Michael, Mathias Lux, Vincent Charvillat, Axel Carlier, Raynor Vliegendhart, and Martha Larson. “VideoJot: A Multifunctional Video Annotation Tool”. Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. ACM, 2014.
- Becchi, Giuseppe, Marco Bertini, Lorenzo Cioni, Alberto Del Bimbo, Andrea Ferracani, Daniele Pezzatini, and Mathias Lux. “Loki+Lire: A Framework to Create Web-Based Multimedia Search Engines”. In Proceedings ACM Multimedia 2014, Orlando, FL
- Streußnig, Claudia, Wieser, Matthias, Hübner, Philipp, and Rainer Winter. “CROSMOS – An interdisciplinary approach to mobile gaming”. Sammelband zur Ringvorlesung Visuelle Kulturen: Game Studies
- Streußnig, Claudia, Matthias Wieser, and Rainer Winter. “Games in Motion. Eine empirische Untersuchung zu mobilen Spielen im Alltag”. Kaminski, Winfred (Hrsg.): Begleitband zur International Computer Game Conference, Cologne, Clash of Realities 2014.